
New "Toy": NanoVNA V2 Plus4

 The latest version of the NanoVNA just arrived.

The model is the NanoVNA V2Plus4. I features a 4 inch screen and it is supported by the NanoVNA-Saver program freely available.

This is a considerably improved version, capable of running up to 4.4GHz and displaying 400 test points on the built-in screen. The dynamic range is improved, too, with up to 80dB range up to 3GHz, when using 5x averaging, otherwise 70dB. Below 1GHz, and with 20x averaging all the way up to 90dB.

This makes this VNA very interesting as a stand-alone unit.

As with all the previous versions, this version can be used as a simple RF signal source, up to 4.4GHz.

There is always a catch. It appears that the people behind this design are working on a new version (v3) capable of measuring up to 6GHz. Not (yet) available, and probably more expensive, but probably worth it for me if I continue to want to build microwave equipment.

Now the question is, when will there be a version capable of measuring the 10GHz amateur band? It will not surprise me if we see a v4 with that capability in the not too far future (5 years?).


Flea Market in Frederikssund and Test equipment.

 This was the first larger arrangement I have attended since the corona closed down everything social, sort of.

I am still glad that this was an outdoor event.

It was good to meet some old and new friends. I had been talking to a local on the QO100 satellite, and finally we got to meet in person.

I did not bring too much back home, as the house is quite full of stuff. What I did get, was some good quality attenuators (10W/10GHz/10dB) and an older frequency counter capable of 1300MHz.

The counter has been under test a while, testing the reading of my 10MHz GPSDO. After close to 2 days (warming up the reference oscillator) it looks like the reference frequency oscillator is 2Hz off on 10MHz. Not too bad for HF/VHF, but insufficient for UHF and microwaves. The variation with temperature (there is a simple OCXO inside) seems to be less than 1Hz after warm-up, so stability is quite good.

Reference frequency alignment is in my future. 

The counter does have a 1MHz reference frequency input, so it will also be possible to lock the reference to a GPSDO for the best possible stability and accuracy.

Update of "Shack Corner". Mostly Operational Again.

First stage of the "shack corner" update is done. 

I can now slide the desktop plate in and out, so I can get better access to radios and cables behind the radios. The plate itself is 200x60cm, but part of it slides between shelves, so I have about 140x60cm of desktop available.

The shack computer, a Raspberry Pi 4 (8GB RAM) is set up with a 1080p monitor, so I have the log program running again. The log program is, at the moment, storing all (digitally entered) logs, with the exception of the log for QO-100. The log program cannot yet handle that.

There will be more computing there, I want to get some FT8 monitoring up and running again, on different bands. Some more Raspberry Pi's are available for this, and I expect (long term) to be running those remote controlled from the main computer/screen (if the Raspi4/8GB can handle the load).

The QO-100 setup is up and running again, including a manipulator keyer connected to the radio, so I can run SSB/CW on the satellite.

Newly built: Long ago I had made my own memory keyer, capable of being programmed from a straight key. It had several switching arrangements, but it is 40 years old, so I pulled out the electronics of it and just connected a few of the toggle switches. The switch box can now handle 4 radios - one at a time, using 3 toggle switches. In addition, the switch box has 2 inputs in parallel, one for the memory keyer, and one for a straight key. I have a Swedish Key that works very nicely for hand keying.

I got some cables made, and 4 radios are connected:

- IC-7600 connected to the 6m part of my 6/2/70 vertical (V-2000) and my R-6000 for 10/12/15/17/20m.

- IC-7300 connected to my low hanging multi-dipole, runnnig 80/40/20/15/10/6/4m. Not very good on 6 and 4, but a poor antenna is better than none.

- IC-7100 connected to a power amplifier and the 2m Big Wheel antenna.

- IC-703 connected to a 10m vertical.

The HF PA is up on the shelves again, but still needs to be connected - I am still considering which radio to connect ...

Receive antennas and receivers still need to be connected, but it is good to be able to operate again, and to have the soldering iron in use again.


Update (2) Reorganization of Equipment.

Quick update the 19th:

I tested if the desk plate can be fitted in between existing shelves, and it is (just) possible.

The 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 is now connected and in working order, so the logbook program can be started. With the narrow shelf it is possible to do some operation on VHF, HF and the QO-100.

Things in the reorganization now go a bit slower, so other necessary activities can be done.

Quick update the 15th:

This is a lot of work, even with some decent planning.

The shelf arrangement as such is essentially in place, and some radios initially connected to power and antenna. I can listen to some HF, VHF and the QO-100 satellite.

An initial narrow shelf has been placed, so a bit of operation can be done. 

The evening was used for transferring some radio stuff from storage boxes to the shelves, initially just up on the shelves, but for later positioning and connection when more antennas and signal distribution is available. Before the end of this week I need to decide on the next project build. Antenna maintenance, a new 25MHz frequency reference for the QO-100 receiver or ... ?

The satellite system does run, but the receive sensitivity, or at least the system gain seems to be lower than before the reorganization started. This will have to be looked into, but that is for later.  The local 2m multimode radio is fully running, one HF/6m radio is connected to the R6000 antenna and to the 50MHz part of the V-2000 antenna (with a triplexer). The IC-7300 is connected to the multiband dipole, and can run 80/40/20/15/10/6/4m, though not with any impressive signals. 

The full desk top plate (60x200cm) will have to wait until the correct antenna cabling from the radios to the accessible side of the arrangement has been done. Power cables and power supply units need to be arranged, also with respect to the cables.

A bit of HF listening and SSB work can be done on HF/6/4m, and with the vertical V2000 on 2m.



Reorganization of the Radio Equipment.

 Finally, I got started with a major reorganization of the equipment.

The radio corner downstairs, where the main operation activity is going on, had been more and more disorganized, and moving some of the heavier stuff, like PAs, for improved ease of operation is needed.

Most of the equipment is now removed from the shelves (the living room is now full of radio stuff everywhere), and the remaining radios will be removed and re-placed on other shelves this week. The build-up will take a while, but I plan to get the most essential equipment moved, so the down time can be minimized.

Because I am doing this on my own, it is more time consuming than with assistance. I do prefer doing most things myself, but heavy lifting (HF PA) will require some assistance (no problem with that).

When the new "shack" is ready, the operation should be a good deal easier.

At the same time, there is some necessary antenna work to be done this (remaining) summer and in the autumn/fall.

When that is (more or less) done, the lab upstairs is due for some tidying.