
Aurora Heard on 2m.

 Today the arrival of a double CME from the sun resulted in aurora on 2m.

I heard several solid signals, but due to my poor antenna, a "Big Wheel" (cloverleaf) antenna, I did not make any contacts.

And one of my favourite radio propagation sites SolarHam is back. I had solarham.net in my links, and it stopped working, so tried solarham.com today, and there it was.

K- index went high

First time in a long while I have heard such strong aurora on 2m in a long time.

The opening lasted about an hour, and the interplanetary magnetic field  (Bz component) went almost neutral, and then South again, so there may be an update later today.

Update 2100Z:

The K-index higher again, but I was not hearing more aurora with my small antenna.