
Ancient Tablet, Part 2.

I received the battery for the old tablet, and got it mounted. Easy, as it already had the mounting bracket.

At first it would not switch on. A look inside found the culprit. The connector to the on/off switch was not connected to the PCB. Easily fixed. Then the next:

For some obscure reason the tablet "thinks" I will be installing a custom software, and wants me to use the up/down buttons to choose yes or no. I tried pushing the "down" button to restart the tablet ... absolutely nothing happened. Were the up/down button switches damaged at the first disassembly? It's possible.

The connection to the up/down button is hidden, so even more disassembly is needed to check and (if possible) repair the possible damage. If the switches are damaged, I can find some replacement, but some more mechanical work is needed, as I probably cannot mount a replacement switch inside the existing casing. We shall see.

It is possible that happened when I first removed the back panel. The tablet repair is on hold now, as I have other priorities, such as getting my antenna system upgraded.

If I can't get it working properly, it's always possible to use the battery for another device.

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