
NAC From the Hilltop Again.

Just back from the hilltop about 80m ASL again this month.

This time I picked up a local ham, OZ9GH, Jan, and we had some fun setting up and running a simple station with the 10W output and a 12 element Yagi about 3m above the hilltop. 

The hill is not far from Copenhagen in JO65CP (close to home, same grid), and contacts were made as far as SM6 and Northern Germany, around 200km. I estimate the conditions were average or a bit below.

A few local contacts were made on 1297.500 FM. 

One was using a handheld transceiver with 1W out, and a handheld home brew Yagi, I think it was a 5 element one. He was just readable, so congratulations to OZ13JK and thanks for a nice QSO.

I will do this again when the weather is good, it's fun doing hilltop operation , even if we have to carry everything up a steep hill.

I had the radio programmed for CW CQ call etc, and made a few CW calls and got response, the first time from a German station, and that was with the antenna in the wrong direction. My first German QSO since I restarted 1296MHz activity.

It's a fun band, and I am planning to improve my home station for better 1296 operation.


PE4BAS, Bas said...

Hello Jan, very nice to see that experiments went well. I'm currently near you in Denmark (Between Melby and Frederiksvaerk). Tomorrow we visit Copenhagen the tourist way. I have no TX with me only a small SW radio. I am with family so no time to visit you. 73 from OZ/PE4BAS Bas

Jan, OZ9QV said...

Hello, Bas, Welcome to my neighbourhood.
Funny, on Saturday I was in Frederiksvaerk at the HAM flea market there.
Maybe one day I visit NL, we can make a meet-up, depending on where in the country you are.
Have fun with the tourist visit to Copenhagen.
Vy 73 de Jan.

PE4BAS, Bas said...

Hello Jan, we arrived last Saturday. My QTH in the Netherlands is near to the Eemshaven northern Netherlands. We have been in Copenhagen today. Little overwhelming since we are not used to the city. But we've seen all the important places at least. Btw do you know the call of the HAM station near the McDonalds in Frederiksvaerk? With the 3 elem. mosley on top of about a 20m high tower. First thing I saw when driving through. He seems not to be on QRZ.com. 73, Bas

Jan, OZ9QV said...

Hello Bas, Good to hear that you are having a good time.
Yes, Eemshaven is not quite as big as Copenhagen ;)
I am not sure who the ham is.
73, Jan

Jan, OZ9QV said...

Hello again, Bas.
Sometimes I visit a friend in Groningen. So there is the option of making a detour to Eemshaven. If you want to exchange email, you can find me at at qsl dot net. I will then reply with my most used email addy...
73, Jan