
More Openings on 6m.

 Moments ago I saw two spots on my 6m FT8 One from South Africa and one from Botswana.

I am guessing that it's some kind of propagation to the Mediterranean sea, extended by F2, given the time of the day. If I remember correctly, it would be a bit early for Transequatorial propagation from the Mediterranean to Southern Africa.

All this with a very poor antenna on the receiver. 

If the solar activity increases to a solar flux of about 200 for more than a week, and without too much geomagnetic storms, within the next 4 months, we could get some really spectacular world wide propagation on 6m. 

But then again, prediction is difficult, especially about the future ;)


PE4BAS, Bas said...

Hello Jan, worked VK on 6m last weekend. Not 1 but 3 stations. Incredible! 73, Bas

Jan, OZ9QV said...

Oh, yes. Not just one but three.
Congratulations, Bas.

And this with a modest solar flux around 150. Cycle 25 is beginning to look a bit like Cycle 23 (around 2000).

I think there is more goodies to come.