
Raspberry Pi as Shack Computer.

 The fan in the 8GB Raspi is failing. The SD card for the 8GB Raspi has veen re-located to a 4GB one in a casing with passive cooling. Some web browser tabs have been closed, so for now the 4GB is running as shack computer with reduced memory.

Casing(s) with passive cooling has(have) been ordered for the 8GB. The "old" SD card from the passively cooled 4GB Raspi has been re-located into the Raspi400. That SD card was set up as SDR, so I can monitor the QO100 satellite again.

I may be able to find a usable fan to replace the defective one, at least until the new casings arrive. 

When that happens I will have the following Raspberry Pi 4/400s available:

1x Raspi 4 8GB, should be the shack computer for browsing and logging, maybe back-end for VNC

2x Raspi 4 4GB for SDR and/or digimodes

1x Raspi 400 (4GB) Probably digimodes, some (circuit) and/or antenna design software.

Apart from that, I have a couple of Raspi 2s, usable for digimodes and/or QRSS monitoring, likely running a VNC (or other remote) server, so they can be remotely operated.

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