
Monitor on 8m (40.680MHz)?

 I made my first test, listening on 40MHz. There is some experimental work going on on  40.680MHz with weak signal modes.

A local station with indoor antenna reported decoding PJ4MM, so I started testing

So I had my IC-703 connected to the 10m half wave antenna, and set the frequency. Pulse noise up to around S7. The noise blanker (NB) of the 703 seemed to make little difference. I tried to get the NB setting, and set it to the highest level. That reduced the noise, even if it is still not good. No S-meter reading.

Then PJ4MM came up on screen, starting with a S/N of -20dB, and for about 20minutes of the signal was there. Best S/N has been -7dB until now.

Not a bad beginning, given the severe pulse noise. DX heard on 8m.

Right now I am not going noise hunting, it is still winter time, and I have a cold, or the flu. In the spring I may try, and along with that, maybe try to make some phasing out of that noise. After all, it's only a single "channel" I need to cover. 

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