
Spending and planning.

Lately I have been spending on eBay for components for my winter projects.

I want to build some accessories for my radios, e.g. a distributor for my memory keyer. The problem was that connecting radios in parallel at the keyer output sometimes results in one transceiver keying when another is switched off, so separate outputs for the different radios are necessary.

Another project is a band splitter for my 5 band dipole antenna, so 10-15-20-40 and 80m can be worked simultaneously, at least with low power, maybe up to 10 or 20W. Toroids for band pass filters are on the way.

Some 300 and 450 ohm feeder is already here, so some antenna experiments will be made within a few weeks/months. Only trouble is that due to chemo therapy (that has been stopped recently) I have side effects affecting the precision of using the hands and feet, so much care is needed when working with antennas. (Apparently also with typing, as many typing errors had to be corrected when I made this post).

Many other small projects are in the way.

A somewhat bigger one is getting my decades old 2m linear working. The tube has to be regenerated, and maybe the electrolytic capacitors have to be changed, as they may have dried up.

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